Monday, September 13, 2010

Quarter life Crisis!!!!

My Birthday has never been scarier for me.
Come October 13th and I would have graced the world with my precious 25 years..
Never have I been so scared by a number..Not even by the marks I got in exams just by studying cum mugging a night before..not even by CAT percentile when it was/is supposed to be life changing..but now I am officially scared..25 is a SCARY SCARY number!!!PERIOD.
I was cool when I turned 20..from teens to twenties didn't effect me that much..I actually didn't even think about it..It was close to the "legal" age when I was allowed to get drunk sloshed and smashed and get away with it saying 'O I am only 21'.
22 cool..23 cool 24 cool..and then BAM..TWENTY FIVE!!!It's not so cool anymore..
Every day is going to be a countdown now..Each day the thought of doing something great something meaningful will always be on the back or front or all over my that when I am actually standing on 13th October 2010 and look back I feel not so pathetic..
so much to do so little time..things I haven't done in 25 years I want all of them done in a month!!
Normally everyone is expected to accomplish something in their lives by this time..For god sake its only 5 more years until that big THREE-O!!
It's considered to be an important milestone signifying stability..and well I am no where near that!
Biggest fear???This would be the first birthday when I'll be actually thinking about me getting OLD!!When I wake up that morning I will be on the wrong side of 25..PANIC!!!scary??liberating??terrifying??
Should I feel ridiculous for panicking???I guess not..after all it is meant to be this way..quarter life crisis and all..
Sometimes a wave of anxiety just hits me with a force..
I am going to be 25!!
Holy Hell!!
Analysis of every aspect of life has already begun.Where is it going??Why haven't I traveled around the world yet??questions like that are just popping in mind.
There are so many things wrong that I want to change, hoped to have changed by now!No time now!!Crap.
If someone can grant me just one wish right now???I will turn the calendar a couple of years back!!!!
So unless some miraculous epiphany unfolds in these few days.
I am hoping this anxiety wave lasts about…2 minutes. :)

P.S. There is actually a movie by this name."Quarter Life crisis" :D
P.P.S.  a song as well!!!! :D :D

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Random 25..

With my 25th birthday fast approaching and everyone around me celebrating either a 25th anniversary or 25th birthday the number has got stuck in my mind.
So here are some random 25 things about me in no particular order.

1.       I love eating!!!I can eat almost anything in the world that tastes good and doesn’t sound/look yucky and that I don’t have to cook.
2.       I can sleep at any hour..anywhere..Once I slept in a T.V. showroom while my friends were checking out stuff..I have slept in the most uncomfortable back seats in the cars while on road trips..I can even sleep during a meeting with my eyes wide open occasionally nodding and smiling when required(that is a talent!!!)
3.        I can wake up in the middle of the night to have tea (made by someone else) and then go back to sleep again!!!
4.       I watch horror movies with my eyes closed during scenes where I feel something is going to a ghost popping from somewhere.
5.       While sleeping I listen to music.
6.       I write during the wee hours of morning.
7.       I cry in happiness when I see too much of talent in someone..
8.       I love dogs!!!I want to go to a dog heaven when I die.
9.       I am a Momma’s daughter. can do anything in the world for her
10.   I love dancing..want to pursue it further sometime in future
11.   I want to travel around the world..just backpacking..with not too much money..just living a hippie life meeting all strangers
12.   My favorite show on T.V. is C.I.D!!!I can even watch repeated episodes..
13.   I and my flat mates pretend to be officers of FBI and NYPD!!
14.   As a kid I always had the fantasy of having a Christian wedding.
15.   I hate my nose!!!It’s big and distorted.
16.   I am a dreamer to be specific. If you are having a conversation with me and all I say is hmmm and yes while giving full attention (pretending!!) then I am busy dreaming.
17.   I love reading.
18.   I am always excited about my Birthday!!!Usually start the planning months in advance.
19.   I always lose people I value the most or end up fighting with them.
20.   I got myself a guitar (had a crush on some guy who used to play guitar ) in 2007 and till date all I know is 2 chords!!!
21.   I have yelled at an ant for biting me, at a door or a wall or side of bed for hurting me :)
22.   I am always confused..Have been given names like confused cutlet.
23.   While typing or holding a pen or a cup or anything for that matter I use only 4 fingers.The pinky finger  always revolts and never helps.
24.   I love shoes!!!!
25.   I am the laziest person I have known till date!!!