Sunday, December 20, 2009

watched d movie n number of times..can't seem to get enough of it..quite fascinating was the fact that people take something like cancer to make them do what they wanted to do for their entire life..not that i blame them..such are the intricacies of life..

so I am not going to wait for an entire lifetime to make my bucket list..
here it goes.. get into IIM A/Ivy league colg.. get a scholarship for studying into Harvard!!! get a six months long paid break to explore the world(every niche and corner) match my steps in sync with the best dancing gurus.. learn as many dance forms as possible and be perfect in them be trained as a pilot (dis one is my child hood dream) get into perfect shape(have been working on it for like forever!!!) play guitar and be good at it!!!! take part in a Karaoke competition and win it!!!(m a hopeless singer) adopt 2 kids.. rescue all the dogs from stupid organization and build a kennel for them. go sky diving,river rafting,snorkeling,skiing,all kind of adventure sports.. make the world's best cocktail work as a bartender in HRC for a day. watch Pink Floyd,Coldplay,Green Day play live at least once!!! build a house by the beach.. own McLaren's and spend my evenings there wid my friends .. kiss Gerald Butler and Hrithik once(though i won't mind infinite times!!!) go on a bike riding trip in India.. do bungee jumping from the highest altitude possible.. swim along with a dolphin.. give my mom anything that she wants from me. have an entire closet full of shoes!!! climb the mount everest(pretty tough one) go skinny dipping in Antarctica!!

and the list doesn't end here..hope to strike out the ones mentioned here asap..and keep adding new ones..

*new addition:meet edward cullen!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Miracle with Paws!!!!

Having spent my entire childhood with them,writing something about them should have been done long long back..
My love affair began with Heera and Moti.they were my first and lasted for 10 yrs..they introduced me to the selfless,compassionate precious world of the canines..
8-2 in school were long waiting hours to get back to them and without fail they were always there on the doorsteps..our playmates..the best companions..who used to protect us at the all the time..used to take care of us just the same way as they guarded their pups..
One of the worst days in my life was when we lost Heera and had to give away Moti..
It took a while to accept a new member in the family..but the moment I saw tiny little Lucy my heart opened up for her..
For the fine German shepherd that she was,she grew up to her full size in less than 2 months..The Brat that she was..used to boss around(the only exception being one cutie lil pup from the neighbor hood)..never even got near to being tamed..

Dogs are the most amazing creation of GOD(as are all
the animals and women of course!!!)rite DOG backward and you get a GOD..
They love and admire the meanest of us..without asking for any anything big in return..You can talk to him when you are lonesome and he understands..He will look at you so attentively and lick your hands so gently..there can be nothing more therapeutic than this..There is no better psychiatrist in the world than a puppy licking your face or a dog trying to cuddle around you..and the biggest reason they can be such a big comfort is that they don't try to find out
the reason.
They let you act yourself..and when you make fool of yourself they won't criticize fact they will make fool out of themselves..the most faithful creatures on the face of planet earth..they will never break your trust..There is no trust that has yet not been broken except that of a dog..
They would never hide their joy when they see you and just the expression of love for you will make you feel good..
whoever said happiness can't be bought..forgot about dogs..

Read theses lines somewhere..

A man may smile and bid you hail
Yet wish you to the devil;
But when a good dog wags his tail,
You know he's on the level.
~Author Unknown

Saturday, January 10, 2009

tuk tuk..

Everyday whthr i c mi frndz or nt..whthr i gv mi mum a cal or nt..dese r d guyz i meet regularly..

evry fine morning afta getng ready for work..d moment i step outta mi apartment i want 2 c dese guyz..asap..a bit of delay n mi heart starts sinking..

Guyz n Galz..introducing 2 u an imperative part of mi life(well..afta i shifted 2 hydbd & started working)..ahem..D TUK TUK guyz or in common language..d AUTORICK WALLAS...applause..appaluse..

Cal dem wteva d Phat Phati walla or d auto bhaiya..dey can b seen in al major cities..honking ..bargaining..eating ur head in d process..never ready 2 go by meter matter how much u try..u'll gv up until unless u hav gr8 convincing power and loadz of patience of course.

Their fav one liner(thanx 2 mi 7 mnths of experience in dealing wid dem)..

• nai mam..meter nai chalta.kharab hai..
• meter se 10 rs zada..(y d hell do dey hav meter in d 1st place)
• 50 rs de do(for a dist of 2 kmzz!!!)
• wahan se sawari nai milta khali aana padta..etc etc..

Each working day eva though i live at a distance of 10 min frm mi workplace hav 2 start like half an hour early..coz hafta deal wid dese guyz..

And d morning d 1st rick guy agrees 2 go by meter.woohhooo..a surge of happinness gushes inside..sign of a gud day..nice start afta al..:)

hav had mi share of experiences wid auto guy afta dropping me home suddenly pops dis ques..hav u had ur lunch mam???for a brief moment i did'nt react at al..mixed emotionz..was really hungry dat time n i a sullen dese words frm sm1 whoz nt even interacted wid me..i felt like cryng..n den dere was dis feeling.. wat d fuck????y is he so bothered???y can't he do his own work???deep inside it felt gud..i dunno..

N few dayz back dere was dis guy..i was waiting for a rick outside mi office wen dis autowalla stopped and asked whr i was headed 2 ...n though he was gng in an opposite direction guided me as in frm whr 2 hire d auto(i was standing on d wrong side) and al dis in superb English!!!I was wondering fr sometime if he was even dis much educated y dis no ans coz b4 i cud ask him nethng he was gone.

during mi 1st yr in college came across dis rick guy who dropped me and mi frndz frm a pt whr dere was no chance of getng any auto 2 an autostand in d middle hrs of d nite..n widout even charging nethng!!!!

They have'nt failed to teach me a few thngs here n dere..the skill of bargaining..d art of being adamant..sometimes eva stubborn..being yeah i hav had mi times wen i jes give up on dem..

1 day of auto strike..dunno abt odrz bt mi life wud cum 2 a standstill..dey r d only means of commuting for me till m in guyz whthr u bargain or do ne kinda kich kich..plz dnt think of gng on strike and many odr ppl depend on u..
huhh..yet another morning..more classes in bargaining..m ready fr it..hope 2 dayz one of mi lucky dayz...